Thursday, August 19, 2010

Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword

Anyone who loves Red Sonja sooner or later ends up browsing the colaborative tribute blog RED SONJA: SHE-DEVIL WITH A SWORD, a shrine to all things Sonja, from comics to pin-ups to films. As from today, and thanks to the benevolence of über-webmeister Darius Whiteplume, I've joined the ranks of scribes paying homage to the most famous and sexy red-haired warrior ever to grace a printed page. My first post, a sketchy comment on the reasons why Richard Fleischer's RED SONJA (1985) was such an unmitigated disaster, can be read here (if you feel so inclined).

On another front, and as if to compensate from these past few monthes of total inactivity on this humble abode, I took advantage of the bruhaha surrounding J. Michael Straczynski's take on Wonder Woman (from DC's Wonder Woman #600 onwards) to start a new blogue (yeah, if you don't update your blog frequently, what else to do than to divide even further your scant attention, right?) directed at super-hero(ine) comic books. You can find it here. I'll try to keep some regular posting on all three blogs, so please drop by any of them when you have a free minute or two to spare. For the moment, the updates on HOUSE OF SIN will follow closely my thematic concerns on both CAPES AND BUSTIERS and RED SONJA: SHE-DEVIL WITH A SWORD, so expect a lot of superheroines, sword & sorcery and some hot debate about rape fantasies in comics and films.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Time Flies

It sure is a blink of an eye from Halloween to the New Year. And I've even missed Christmas. Anyway, and once more belatedly, wellcome to 2010 in this humble abode where we pay homage to beautifull, sexy and dangerous women. Lets receive the new year with warm smiles, open hearts and naked bosoms.